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Technical Intern Training Program (TITP)

The TITP is a work training program that allows Pakistani nationals to gain practical skills and work experience in Japan for up to 5 years. Key features of the TITP include:

  • Opportunity to work in 14 specified industries like construction, agriculture, food service, etc.
  • Attractive monthly salary
  • Fully paid accommodation provided by employer
  • Exposure to Japanese work culture, advanced technologies, and innovative practices
  • Pathway to transition to SSW visa after completing 3 years


  • Gain valuable skills in cutting-edge Japanese industries
  • Earn an attractive salary and save money with paid accommodation
  • Immerse yourself in Japanese culture and learn the language
  • Possibility to extend stay in Japan by transitioning to SSW visa


  • Maximum duration limited to 5 years
  • Cannot bring family members to Japan
  • Job change generally not permitted except in special cases

Specified Skilled Worker (SSW) Program

The SSW program was introduced in 2019 to address labor shortages in Japan by accepting foreign workers with specific skills. There are two types of SSW visa:

SSW (i) visa:

  • For workers with considerable knowledge/experience in specified fields
  • Maximum stay of 5 years, no family members allowed

SSW (ii) visa:

  • For workers with more advanced skills in construction or shipbuilding
  • No limit on stay duration, can bring spouse and children


  • Opportunity for longer-term employment and residence in Japan
  • Allowed to change employers within the same field
  • SSW (ii) holders can bring family and potentially gain permanent residence


  • Requires passing skills exam and Japanese language test
  • Limited to 14 specified industries facing labor shortages
  • SSW (ii) currently only available for construction and shipbuilding